because you rowed ashore
ilovebees is NUTS today. i can't believe that bungie is doing something this intense. cost-wise, i don't think it's too expensive to pull something like this off... but it clearly took a lot of time and effort to plan something this big and involved.
here's where things are. there are 210 GPS coordinates all over the country, and a pay phone at each one. at the designated time the pay phone will ring. a recorded message from Melissa, the AI that has been at the center of this whole thing, comes on. she's attempting to 'reach her crew' (us, the people involved in the game) to determine their status and begin to repair herself and fix things. so when you pick up the phone, she greets you and asks you to tell her what her name is, and what your name is. You tell her that her name is "The Operator" and then you tell her your name. But your name is not your name - you tell her a codeword. The 210 GPS coordinates have been broken into 30 groups of 7. Each of the 30 groups has a codeword assigned to it. So when you answer the phone at a specific location, you give the codeword for the group that your location is a part of. When you successfully follow these steps, your 'axon' - your location - goes 'hot'. If two of the seven locations in each group goes hot - the website changes and a sound clip becomes available for your location. So far, there's two of them, and they seem to be clips from a movie or video game. Some of the things said in the clips sound familiar, and are related to dialogue we've seen on the site in the past weeks.
The problem has been figuring out what to do - and every few minutes a new location gets a phone call. some of them have people there, some of them don't. and if someone's at a location, chances are, unless they've been sitting in IRC all morning (like i have) they don't know what to do.
fortunately, the sequence is going to repeat every day until all 30 locations are turned on. i wish i was around a location, but the closest ones are in indianapolis, and aurora, OH, up north.
i can't wait to see how this turns out :)
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