make me make me make me hungry again
oh, well, this is interesting. so maybe you've heard of I, Robot. let me start by saying i've been a huge Isaac Asimov fan since middle school, when i stole my dad's collection of stories off his shelf and tore through them in a few months. great visions of humanity and its society advanced by robotics and technology grew from my brain like a chia pet. it was inspiring and, for a thirteen year old, grabbed a hold of my imagination.
Asimov's short stories were brilliant little universes. I, Robot is a collection of short stories about the development of robotics in society. i dug it.
so from the trailer it was clear that the movie was very, very loosely based on Isaac Asimov's universe.. i didn't realize how loose. according to this article, the only thing from Asimov's stories that made it to the movie was the title, and a corporation or character name or two. it was written as a movie called hardwired in '95, but they wanted to spice it up and garner some snaps from the real scifi community, so they threw a few nuggets of the real story into it. some people are proposing a boycott.. it'll be useless. but it's a travesty that they've abused the name and work of Asimov by Bruckheimering his characters. i'll still see it - yeah, it looks like a good scifi flick - but geez, amazon even has will smith's picture on the cover of the book. that's just terrible.
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