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neurological dryer lint

dirty deeds... and the dunderchief


what matters is what hasn't been

from fark, pc magazine has a nice little article highlighting some popular firefox extensions. i have a required cadre of extensions on every client machine i use, maybe you'll find them helpful:

- chatzilla: an irc client. especially if you find mIRC too annoying and complex and you just want something simple. and you don't have a unix-based shell.
- IE view: allows you to right-click from any site and open it in IE, in case the site doesn't render properly in firefox. standards, people. come on.
- forecastfox: loads weather forecast information into a little icon at the bottom of your browser.
- mapit: allows you to highlight an address (or fill one into a form) and right-click and hit 'mapit', and you get a mapquest page for the address.

grab that plus the qute theme (far better than the default one) and you're gravy.


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