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neurological dryer lint

dirty deeds... and the dunderchief


cause i hit em with the mule

well you'd think my last day at sant would actually be my last day, but you'd be wrong. i've got at least a couple of weeks training ed while he's under fire starting the position. which includes today, where he gets to take down his first critical server. poor guy got paged last night when our main webserver went down. he's feeling the love already.

my last day was nice - we did the traditional jalapeno's lunch, and had some cake. (pray to God you don't drop that *!*&) and i filled out a bunch of forms and stuff, packed up and left at like 3:30. switchfoot's dare you to move was playing over the building system as i left. it was the-WB-sitcom-esque.

and i went to the allergist in the morning. looks like i'm going to start on allergy shots (again), and i got a fat bag full of free allegra samples too. and i picked up an anti-allergenic pillow last night - i'm undecided on how comfortable it is so far.
i really think that this is the last step to ending this stupid coughing thing that's over two years old now.

the bad news from my tests is that i'm still allergic to pretty much everything on the planet - grass, dust mites, pollen, mold, tobacco, whatever the crap corn smut is.. but i'm not allergic to shellfish anymore.

this is revolutionary. since i was 5, even smelling shrimp or lobster made my eyes itch. it's faded in the last years though, and now there's barely a reaction, so the doctor told me i could try it again.

i was going to last night at dinner - renee and i went out with mikey and dara, who is quite a cool chick, to macaroni's. somehow lobster-stuffed ravioli doesn't sound appealing though.

so maybe tonight while watching UC lose to UK, i can try some fried shrimp or something. i know i'm being pessimistic, but i don't think you can blame me considering how disappointing every major athletic franchise in this city has ended up being.

oh and i heard pop will eat itself's ich bin ein auslander on ethel this morning. anyone remember that song? or the incredibly warped video? yeah.


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