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neurological dryer lint

dirty deeds... and the dunderchief


speak clearly without fear of recompense

colin powell was on the daily show last night and jon stewart made an excellent point. gen. powell didn't exactly acknowledge it but it grabbed what i've always felt - stewart said that the problem with the bush administration's goal of fighting terrorism was what everyone had a problem with - but that the administration made enormously brash decisions that affected so many people worldwide and that we didn't get to see the process behind that - that things were debated among advisors in the administration; that dissenting views were addressed; that it wasn't a power-hungry man high on his own military strength fighting a war and then justifying it with baffling turns of reasoning. i just want to know my president and his staff aren't tyrants.

i must admit, when the leader of my country touts a piece of legislation that allows the FBI to grab my medical records without me ever knowing about it - it makes me jittery. but hearing that there was spirited debate - even if i didn't get to see it - gives me a little more faith in the system. not the people that the system grabbed - but that people in power still use their brains and ask questions.

i have many more unsettled feelings about the moves of the administration. i'm too tired for a fight, or maybe too uninformed besides a gut feeling that i get when i watch the president give a speech, like he's trying to sell me a dodge dart at MSRP. that's probably enough to warrant me keeping my mouth shut.

oh and the reds giving pinella's devilrays a man-beating tonight will hopefully fuel them against the far-mightier orioles tomorrow night. renee and i are going. it'll be hot.

finally. i'm firing up a separate site called lazy revolutionary that will just be personal writing from the heart. no stupid political commentary or gadget drooling or video games or 'look at this dumb picture'. "the demons are shouting down the better angels in my brain" and i want to spill my guts.


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