you've got time to waste
i'm not sure exactly how i will use this thing in the office - but i'm sure i'll find a way. it's not like we have bell towers or whatever... i could hang it over my cube wall and stick people as they walk in the door, really. whatever. it's not important - what is important is that hasbro are geniuses and built a bloody nerf sniper rifle. watch the commercial.
it's really a toss up for me between that and the gatling gun which isn't sold widely anymore... i missed an opportunity when we saw a stack of them at toys r us a few weeks back. the air compression of joe's RapidFire (which he picked up off ebay) in the cube next door should no longer be a thing we fear.
new Lost tonight - let's hope it's less of a snorefest than the last two weeks.
boy, Lost a "snorefest"??? couldn't have seen that coming. i've only been telling you guys how gay that show is for the last few YEARS.
i haven't played with the sniper rifle yet. but it looks sweet. i too was always partial to the gatling gun. you couldn't stop it.
The US military would have killed Bin Ladin months ago if they had that baby.
i love the mount on the front. you should probably start quoting bible verses to yourself as you aim at people...but then you know someone's gonna have a nerf tank and blow you, and the dude with a nerf .30 caliber, out of your nest.
that damn thing has a clip.
twelve in the clip actually, and one in the hole. nate dogg's about to make some bodies turn cold.