violence as polished steel
ghosts is kind of a dream scenario for me - a nine inch nails album (well, four actually) of instrumental-only tracks, a genre trent works masterfully and poetically. and one of them's free. all four are $5 to download, or $10 for two CD's + immediate download. was a time, too, when i would probably have picked up the $75 deluxe edition - the blu-ray with all the music + visuals sounds intriguing... but i think the cheap seats will satisfy for now.
Yep, this album is pretty amazing. I'd love to spring for the $75 package but it's simply not affordable right now. Nor do I have a blu-ray player, but the packaging and photo book look fantastic.
i wish i was able to frickin order it - the store's been slashdotted since early this morning... guess we found the flaw in the "digital distribution" mechanism
Yeah I just torrented the album for now. I'll order it later in the week.