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neurological dryer lint

dirty deeds... and the dunderchief


sporting a pocket full of change

to do:

call hotel about out of town wedding guests
make appointment with travel agent
find weekend to get fitted for tuxes
finish registering
edit guest list
see weezer live
stop yourself from buying PSP with remainder of paid out PTO from Sant
meet with band about reception
pick songs for dances at reception
memorize useless work cell phone number
reconsider buying PSP
write your book
be home in time to call apple support about your dumb shuffle not staying connected to the PC
actually play your season in MLB2k5
eat cornbread every day cause its awesome
get bigger ears so earbuds will fit


ease up on the hot sauce. too much of a good thing.
learn how to be clever so people will like your writing
learn from busblog: blogging will not make you a celebrity
stop seeking fortune and fame


find darkwing duck and M.A.S.K. DVD's
eat what B eats cause he's shrinking like a midget
stop getting crap on yourself when you go out to eat so renee won't be embarrassed
learn to beat renee in rummy. whatever dude, never going to happen
go buy some vegetables
make time for solitude
get other people with xboxes to buy SF2: Anniversary so youll have someone to play against on xboxlive
stop writing at work
get funky

listening to: nofx - linoleum


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