why do you get all the love
i just got my CHEAP 16x DVD burner. i've been waiting on getting one til it was sub-$50, which it finally was, and i finally have a one-disc backup of everything important on my PC. ahhh.
anyway. i'm trying the dr. divx method to auto-convert my .tivo files to DiVX avi's... i need to shrink them (and de-DRM them) to get as many on one disc as possible... problem is the video loses a lot of frames (not normally a problem w/divx).
oh.. bad news, no more emceeing the afterprom thing. they got a principal to do it. bah. well we're re-starting club (don't ask) monday, so i guess we can stuff some blindfolded fish cornhole in there pretty easily. this week we've got baked-beans wrestling part II, though.
and yeah, that's about it. i'm sick or something, my nose is bright frickin red, and i could use some ribs right about now.
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