already in my grave
been sick for the last few days... turned out to be the same sinus infection that i get a few times a year, where one side of my head (the left, incidentally) feels swelled up, making it near impossible to swallow. this one came on much slower than before, as i first felt it last friday.
sitting at home yesterday i disassembled our old NES and cleaned some connectors... i need to replace the main 72-pin connector but i got it working again. renee and i played a little Mario 3 and then i sat on the couch and watched her beat DuckTales. i think it was one of the more exciting things i've ever seen.
i once thought i had mono for an entire year. turned out i was just really bored.
i know someone was going to say that, so i had to beat them to it.
Super Dodge Ball!
one of the greatest games ever.
if you're ever interested in playing NES games online, check out
No Disassemble!